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Carving Skis - Buyers Guide

Carving Skis are the sport cars of the ski world. Designed for skiing fast down groomed terrain and many take inspiration and technology from Race skis.

Waist Width

Carving skis can split into two categories, Narrow and Wide. Narrow carving skis (<80mm) are mostly specific to hard snow conditions. Wide Body carving skis (>80mm) are designed to have a bit of performance in softer snow like the slush you may find in the afternoons in Australia.


Carving Ski Length Guide Your Height
Skier Ability Beginner Subtract 15cm
Intermediate Subtract 10cm
Advanced Subtract 5cm
Expert Your Height

eg. A 173cm Intermediate skier should look for Carving skis around 163cm

If you are in between lengths of a certain ski, aggressive skiers should size up and cautious skiers should size down.


Weight matters very little when it comes to Carving skis as a heavier ski tends to lay a better edge. Hence they are all built to be quite heavy and powerful. If you are after a lightweight ski, All Mountain Skis around 85mm still have great Carving performance.